Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Riots! what are they? where do they come from?

A picture paints....

have recently learned that many of my friends, familiars and loved ones, have very different attitudes towards repelling the system than I do.
It seems that you must have experienced shitty stuff, before you can understand why anybody would fight ( also in violent ways ) for what they belive in. And what makes their lives better.
That is why I also belive that 1 or 2 of my close friends do not really feel the way they are expressing ;-) you know who you are!!!
Why would anybody want to riot???
I would say when all other possibilities have been used or If you feel cornered, you instinctively fight back! regardless of the power you are facing.
Shit, I am no fan of violence, but rockin the boat sometimes means changes for the better
Take the Parisians, they dont take no shit!
First they Revolutionized the means and ways of controlling Europes most powerfull country in the late 1700's and also in the 1990's they rebelled agains police brutality and in 2005 against racism and opression ( poverty, without any outs )
They have also created some of the most effective strikes and recently forced the political system to withdraw laws, who were supposed to make it easier for emploers to lay of employees!

Power to the motherfucking people! do not ever forget how important it is to show if you feel abused and misheard! who the fuck would want to live in a world where this was not possible, so be carefull! and keep both eyes and all ears open as to where our society is going.

" Give me the food and let me grow.. let the rootman take a blow "

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